Party City i Grand Prairie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterParty City



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5240, Texas 360, 75052, Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 972-263-1102
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.6454952, Longitude: -97.061871

kommentar 5

  • Patzy Butler

    Patzy Butler


    I bought the 12 balloons for $15 at 9AM, by 8PM they were deflated!!! I called the store and they asked if I had put some type of gel or some extra stuff to make them last. Really!? Why don't they say the balloons only last 6-8 hrs, that's what the person said when I called back. It's such a rip off to buy extra junk to make them last! Might as well go to the Dollar Tree next door and get them for $1!!!!! Never again!!!

  • niko k

    niko k


    It was crazy during graduation week and the line was crazy full of parents trying to order balloons sadly they were understaffed and orders took forever

  • Alicia Aviles

    Alicia Aviles


    Good place helpfull staff

  • Riley OShea

    Riley OShea


    The guy that worked there seemed like we were putting him out. He was not helpful. Plus items that were down to be available in the store were not ... at least in that location.

  • en

    vanessa coomer


    This store is in a convienant location and is usually pretty organized. The only reason I gave this store a 4 star rating is because there is usually only 1 register open and there will be a crowd of people waiting to check out. Other than that, the staff is friendly and it's a good store.

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