Maurices i Grand Prairie

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Forenede StaterMaurices



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5242, Texas 360, 75052, Grand Prairie, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 972-352-5501
internet side:
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Latitude: 32.6449803, Longitude: -97.0600049

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chelsie Thomas


    The store is always clean and the ladies are always so helpful and friendly

  • Autumn Chaney

    Autumn Chaney


    Just went in with my mom and the two ladies there were AMAZING. You don't see a lot of friendly people in retail anymore. Super super helpful

  • en

    makayla robinson


    I love all of the clothing items here!!! But I'm not sure if they got new staff but the last time I was here the two ladies working were more worried about themselves than the guests. I waited almost 10mins for someone to finally notice I was ready to check out

  • en

    Ashley Fuller


    Love this store online, but this location doesn't order enough for petite women. When looking for a small or x small, I was told that. "Employees usually snatch them up pretty quick." I think that's absurd. Order for your customers. Not employees.

  • en

    Nelly Juma


    I go to Maurices alot, l especially love their boots. I recently ordered a pair of boots, the boots were never delivered! When l went to the store,l received the poorest customer service ever. The clerk couldn't remember how /when /what /where...just bizarre...needless to say ,Maurices just lost a loyal customer.

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