Papaleo's Towing, Inc. i Newburgh

Forenede StaterPapaleo's Towing, Inc.



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259, Ann Street, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-565-2244
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.4995941, Longitude: -74.0191414

kommentar 5

  • T.J. Kieper

    T.J. Kieper


    Fast and friendly service after my wife's car died across the river. Never a good day when that happens, but they made the best of it and got the car home with a great attitude and professionalism.

  • Charlie Guido

    Charlie Guido


    My car broke down on a holiday and they came out immediately. Quality service and friendly personnel. They made a stressful experience enjoyable (in other words, they didn't add to the stress of your car breaking down!) Highly recommend.

  • Jamie Moody

    Jamie Moody


    They may do great work but I tried to set up a tow and the gentleman I spoke with was incredibly rude. I just called someone else. They charged less to come further out, so it worked out for me in the end. I will never call them again.

  • William Trollan

    William Trollan


    Some of the most professional and quality work done on your car from collision work to towing.

  • Grecia Lemus

    Grecia Lemus


    I took my car in after I hit a deer and I couldn't be happier with the results. My car looks better than when I bought it! Their customer service is impeccable and their workmanship is top notch! Can't thank them enough!!!

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