Panera Bread w Edgewater

Stany ZjednoczonePanera Bread



🕗 godziny otwarcia

26, The Promenade, 07020, Edgewater, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-840-6661
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.80685, Longitude: -73.990172

komentarze 5

  • Eva Maliarakis

    Eva Maliarakis


    A nice place for and inexpensive quick lunch... I just wish that to help behind the counter what's smile a bit sometimes.

  • Adrian Toro

    Adrian Toro


    Pick 2 is my favorite. Great choices and fresh.

  • Anniel Hernandez

    Anniel Hernandez


    I clearly told the cashier named Sonia that I have never been here before. All she asked me was what I wanted. Didn’t ask me if it was for here or to go.....nothing. She just took my money and said "Next!" I stood there waiting for my drink. Then asked her "Do I have to wait here for my drink?" Then that’s when she told me I have to get my drink at the other counter. She should’ve told me everything I had to do as soon as I told her I have never been here. That’s what I consider good customer service. It feels like the customer has to do Everything now a days. I wanted it to go instead I’m here drinking my latte in a huge coffee cup. They didn’t even call my name when my order was ready. Why take my name down? Makes so sense. Won’t see me here again. Great job Panera team!! 👍🏼

  • en

    joanna raney


    I usually order on line and have my food ready when I get there. Place is very clean and cozy. It gets packed around lunch time. Food is always fresh and warm. Their soups are amazing! Prices very affordable.

  • Girl U

    Girl U


    It's an easy go to for a nice cup of soup, salad or even a quick sandwich. Place is usually packed and can be difficult to find seating.

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