OZ The Salon w Oakdale

Stany ZjednoczoneOZ The Salon



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1278, Montauk Highway, 11769, Oakdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-244-7030
strona internetowej: www.ozhairsalon.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7420667, Longitude: -73.1321109

komentarze 5

  • en



    This place is racist my wife called they told her they take walked in when she went there with my daughter and they see she's not white they told her they only take appointments she was very hurt and disappointed sad this goes on in this day and time so nasty.

  • Glenna Singh

    Glenna Singh


    Tried to get my hair done today, just a blow out already washed my own hair. 15 min job. Call the salon the day before they said they were opened on Sunday never did the woman I spoke state I needed an appt. showed up on Sunday and they stated they couldn’t do my hair hmmmm makes me wonder why is that Oakdale/Bohemia???????? Is it because I’m not the right color for a walk in? Why did they say that on the phone? Do we still have that kind of ignorance in today’s society. I have never ever experienced this from a hair salon.

  • Adis Medrano

    Adis Medrano


    Satisfied customer..Services are professional with great suggestions on what would be best for your hair.

  • en

    Deborah Valentine


    I LOVE Oz and everyone who works there. Jen is my usual hairdresser who I request. But I have NEVER been disappointed with anyone else I may get. Danielle is great too. I pass many salons going thru 3 towns, just to come to Oz. We have trusted Oz with our daughter's bridal party hairdos. Jen and Danielle did an AWESOME JOB

  • Heather Roberts

    Heather Roberts


    Great friendly salon. The employees really actually care about your hair and want it to look as beautiful as you .

najbliższy Salon piękności

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