beUtiful Hair Studio & Day Spa w Oakdale

Stany ZjednoczonebeUtiful Hair Studio & Day Spa



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1217, Montauk Highway, 11769, Oakdale, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 631-374-3267
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.741529, Longitude: -73.127961

komentarze 5

  • Jennifer Perrino

    Jennifer Perrino


  • en

    Dorothy Schweers


    I called on August 1st to ask for an appointment with Noelle for August 3rd and was told that she was booked solid. I said from 1-9pm and was told yes so I asked for her earliest appointment, I was getting a keratin treatment so it takes about 2 1/2 hours and about $200. I told the girl I work till 2:30 so she gave me an appointment for 2:45 on August 9th. I thought that was perfect. I got held up at work, called the shop as I was on my way to say I would be a little late. I arrived at 2:50, 5 minutes late and was told that they could not take me because the shop was closing at 5:30. They also told me my appointment was for 2:30, but I work till 2:30??? I looked around and I was the only customer in the shop, not one other person was there and they couldn't take me. I had been to this shop before, not like I was a new customer. You like to be treated a little special at a salon it's a service business I thought... Customer service at beUtiful, don't think they know what that is... So beUtiful lost a customer because of 5 minutes...

  • Lori Chirco

    Lori Chirco


    1/17/17 I just impulsively cut 10 inches off my hair this week wanting change. I read a few reviews about this new salon & decided to try it. Tiffany was patient, kind, friendly & incredibly helpful when I showed her my "new style" ideas. It's not everyday that u trust a stranger to completely change ur look. I LOVE MY NEW HAIRCUT. My husband & two boys LOVE it too. My co-workers complimented me all day. This salon is clean, calming, non intimidating & "BeUtifully" decorated. You will not be disappointed. Make an appointment. ;) Thank you sooo much Tiffany!!!!

  • Emily Mastronardi

    Emily Mastronardi


    I was in a jam after having a friend cancel on me last minute and my wedding being a week away. I tried this place on a wing and a prayer. I got an appointment that night with Tabitha. She listened and did exactly what I asked for. I was very nervous as I have had several bad haircuts. Tabitha was great and everyone there was very friendly. I would definitely go back.

  • Nicole Andersen

    Nicole Andersen


    Absolutely love this place! Tabitha colored my hair and it's the exact color I wanted and Tiffany cut and styled my hair and it's just perfect! I highly recommend this place! Such a nice friendly environment to be in! You won't be disappointed.

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