Outlette w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneOutlette



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228, Columbus Avenue, 10023, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 646-657-0584
strona internetowej: www.outlettenyc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7764287, Longitude: -73.9797644

komentarze 5

  • Michelle Haska

    Michelle Haska


    If you’re not buying all of your jewelry here, you’re missing out on meeting two of the BEST people in NYC, Ruth and Scott the owners. You can find anything for any budget and it will truly be something you get compliments on every time you wear it.

  • en

    Christine Spina


    I LOVE THIS STORE!! ❤️ The service is excellent and the jewelry is very unique, not your typical department store kinds. This boutique is truly awesome!!

  • Crystal M

    Crystal M


    I love that I found this store. It has modern costume jewelry that is mostly made of sterling silver or brass which is great because I'm allergic to nickel. The jewelry all looks really great on and they have simple items such as ear cuffs to high quality cubic zirconia studs, to more elaborate, heavier jewelry such as a beautiful set of porcupine earrings. They have beautiful rings - I think down to a size four and they allow returns if you need to swap something out. And the price is very affordable.

  • en

    Barbara Ross


    Ruth is truly a special person. I adore her. She is trustworthy, caring and generous. She can choose and style just the right piece of jewelry that will make any woman feel confident, feminine, trendy or classic. She makes the whole experience a joy. It's easy to buy beautiful pieces from someone so warm and genuine. Also, there always seems to be new merchandise. The store is constantly evolving. I would recommend shopping here to anyone.

  • en

    Dolly DeWald


    I was looking for a small, personal shopping experience in the city. And I found it!! The reviews are spot-on! Ruth, owner extraordinaire, was warm, witty, fun and oh-so helpful! Her jewelry ranges from delicate to bold--something for everyone. And I found the prices very reasonable. She helped me pick out just the perfect Christmas gift for my husband to give me! Thanks, Ruth for the fun, personal shopping experience I was seeking. Dolly Omaha, NE

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