Swarovski w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneSwarovski



🕗 godziny otwarcia

10, Columbus Circle, 10019, New York, New York County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 212-823-9890
strona internetowej: www.swarovski.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7680727, Longitude: -73.9828727

komentarze 5

  • David W. Astor

    David W. Astor


    Very friendly and helpful staff. Trendy and elegant jewelry that's reasonably priced.

  • it

    sergio borghi


    ottimi gioielli ottima fattura da sembrare veri diamanti

  • en

    Réginald Cassamajor


    Great customer service.

  • CorreyHope Kustin

    CorreyHope Kustin


    The best day to shop is Feb 14 when they have the -30% off their merchandise. It's crystal from Austria and it sparkles so nice. There is a wonderful selection of jewelry from large stones to small stones. If you can't afford diamonds this is a wonderful choice. I own a few pieces from their collection. Even my dog wears a collar from this store. This store is located in the posh mall at Colombus Circle and the girls love their job. They know the history of Swarovski and wear a few pieces that they own. It's a store requirement to wear at least 1 piece. Next they have animals, like Little Kitty, Disney and this is the Year of the Horse. Of course these are exquisite crystals. You can join the yearly club & get the special selected crystal. Check out their pormo #GetCaughtOntheSpot

  • Jeffrey Diamond

    Jeffrey Diamond


    Very nice selection and well stocked but I didn't like the sale girl that was helping me. Was a bit to pushy and when signing up for a give-a-way she was very picky about the information that I was giving her. Other locations will just take the basics.

najbliższy Jubiler

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