Orchid Nails Spa i Crowley

Forenede StaterOrchid Nails Spa



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125, South Crowley Road, 76036, Crowley, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 682-316-3650
internet side: orchidnailspa.weebly.com
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Latitude: 32.576878, Longitude: -97.353391

kommentar 5

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    Mallory Jones


    I came here based on reviews it was the first time I’ve gotten a set of acrylic nails put on in almost a year and within a week I’ve had 6 nails pop off pretty easily. I went to go get the first one that popped off fixed and the woman that fixed it did not say a word to me the entire time almost like she was angry. It made me very reluctant to ask them to fix the other ones. I do not do hard labor there was no reason these nails should have popped off so easily. I am just disappointed I was hoping to be able to keep this set of nails up and get fills every other week.

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    Melissa Defate


    I love this place everyone is so nice. And they all know what they are doing. It is a great place to go.

  • Rebekah Kammerdiener

    Rebekah Kammerdiener


    Love this place it's the only place I get my nails done. Love the people who work there and it's a cozy nail spa. Great prices.

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    Stephanie Taulton


    Vivian has a genuine, caring spirit and this is reflected in her skills. She did an awesome job on my nails. Very well pleased with overall experience.

  • Vianka Pham

    Vianka Pham


    Amazing and clean services. Nothing like the usual nail salon. Vivian is determined in making her customers happy. I strongly recommend anyone to this salon!

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