Nail Studio Spa i Crowley

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1201, FM-1187 E, 76036, Crowley, Tarrant County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 817-297-4818
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Latitude: 32.5751545, Longitude: -97.339232

kommentar 5

  • en

    Desiree Brown-Stuart


    They do quality work. And they treat like a superstar.

  • Annora Flufkin

    Annora Flufkin


    Messed up on my nails twice charged my card before even fixing them the second time refused to give me back my card and threatened to call the police whenever my nails weren’t fixed. I guess since I was the last customer it didn’t matter what my opinion was , as far as my opinion this is the rudest and worse nail salon I have never been up

  • en

    Willanette Williams


    I was a frequent customer of this place, but after today, I will never return again. The customer service was horrible. My daughters and I went in to be serviced together. Someone started on my oldest daughter and me right away. Shortly thereafter, my granddaughter's nails were polished, but my youngest daughter was never helped. As time went on, my oldest and granddaughter were done, and I was almost done, so I decided to ask why she was being skipped. The owner, Sam's wife, just ignored me. Mind you, we arrived prior to them even opening in hopes of getting in and out. I tried to speak with Sam about it, and he said his wife didn't understand me. She understood me just fine because I told my nail tech to explain to her in their language. They brushed me off to shut me up. I told them they lost a customer today. Sam's response was "Okay, thank you." I will not ever recommend this place to anyone. Your feelings and time is not valued, only your dollar. Sam was trying to run my credit card through as I was still explaining myself. I snatched it out of the machine for him to hear me out. They also did a rush job because the place was busy. Not their best work. Customer service was awful!

  • Liliann Almeyda

    Liliann Almeyda


    Great customer service but unsanitary. The lady who did my pedicure had just finished her previous customer and she was about to start touching my water and feet with the same gloves. Sorry but not sorry I stopped her to wash her hands and change her gloves. I’m not trying to get foot fungus or worse. I also made sure the instruments where properly sanitized and the first kit wasn’t. So I told her to get a new one. They probably hate me now for requesting this stuff but I’ve worked in sanitation at hospitals and I know what I’m looking for. I won’t come here again. Other than that they did a great job. If you are not too picky about this then this place is nice but sanitation is my number one priority.

  • Kelly McCoy

    Kelly McCoy


    I used to go here fairly frequently and the past three times I went in there was a wait. The staff was extremely rude. Last week, I walked I and one of the men that worked there asked what I was there for. I said I wanted a gel mani and he replied “Just (waved hand in air) ...” and walked away. There were 4-5 others waiting. I just walked out and won’t go back. Service has gone severely downhill recently.

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