On Line Hair Design en Carmel Hamlet

Estados UnidosOn Line Hair Design


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1904, U.S. 6, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-225-1515
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.4146791, Longitude: -73.668099

comentarios 1

  • Ace



    Awful judgemental staff. Overpriced blow out $45 and still had to fix it myself at home. Cash only. Sprayed way too much hairspray. Black female came in as a hair model for a ad they put out for their salon. And as Im sitting their a Hispanic Woman I over hear the stylists say no send her home she’s black and with bad hair. My look said it all that I was disgusted. This was after the stylist complained of a handicap female coming in to get her hair done but required assistance standing with my wet hair I helped the poor lady. The stylist herself looked elderly. And as I was seated under the hair dryer the stylist was asking me to come in for weight losing meeting on Wednesday nights there. I sat there thinking are you telling me I’m fat. Well thanks. Women want to come out feeling good about themselves from the salon. Not too mention not very clean the wash hair area. And water extremely hot. Never again please go else where, or just do your own hair.

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