Ocean Beauty & Nail Spa en Carmel Hamlet

Estados UnidosOcean Beauty & Nail Spa



🕗 horarios

1910, Old Route 6, 10512, Carmel Hamlet, Putnam County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-225-2978
sitio web: oceannails.wix.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.416774, Longitude: -73.671658

comentarios 5

  • Liv kadow

    Liv kadow


    super sanitary and friendly! beautiful gel manicure and pedicure. Coco paid so much attention to detail unlike so many manicures i’ve had from other places- and their prices are hard to beat! i highly recommend!!

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    Linda Russo


    I visited this salon on Saturday, January 20th. I have severe problems with both feet and had not been able to get a pedicure in 2 years. I went in and asked how long the wait would be for a pedicure. I was told to pick a color and it would be 10 minutes. I chose the color and proceeded to wait. After 20 minutes, I asked how much longer it would be. I was told it would be soon. I waited an additional 25 minutes and was told to wait in the pedicure chair. There were already 2 customers having pedicures with 2 more waiting in their chairs next to me. Apparently, all 4 customers had come in together and had been there approximately 2 hours and were very frustrated as well. The girl sat down to begin my pedicure and I told her the other 2 were also waiting and were there before me. She then left me to begin on them. I had to wait about 10 minutes longer to have someone start my pedicure and asked if I could be given a discount on the service or a brief hot stone massage in light of the fact that I had waited so long. First, I was told by another girl that they would throw in the hot stone massage. When the other girl finally sat down to begin my pedicure, I was told she was not throw in the hot stone massage. I then asked what they would do for me. I was told they would give me a $5.00 coupon for my next service. This was not a good experience for me and the other customers as well. We should all have been discounted for the extreme wait. I certainly did not tip the girl who did my pedicure, as she made the determination to not discount any of us and was not proficient at pedicures. It was obvious that she did not have a clue what she was doing. I am upset at having spent the money and gotten nothing in return, but a terrible experience. Go to another salon.

  • Christine Berry

    Christine Berry


    Great services, especially the spa pedicures. However they have no idea how to manage appointments. Called and made an appointment for 3:30 for a spa pedicure. They waited until 4 to finally put me in a pedicure chair to at least use the massaging chair, then they didn’t actually start my pedicure until 4:20. Don’t know the point of offering appointments if they don’t keep anyone available to take care of you even remotely near that time.

  • Emily Carson

    Emily Carson


    Love this place!! Never disappointed... this is the only place I will go to get my nails done

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    liz B


    I have been going here since it opened years ago. It's under new ownership. Three weeks ago I had a full set of gel permanent French. Usually they lasted Me 3 weeks. Within the first week I lost four nails. I went back within the week explain what happened they told me they were giving me the best person. I have never had such a horrific set in my life. Unfortunately I'm not the type to speak up once again I paid my full price for a gel set which is not cheap and left. Please think twice before going here. I would have given it zero Stars but I couldn't.

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