Omar's Hiway Chef Restaurant i Tucson

Forenede StaterOmar's Hiway Chef Restaurant



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5451, East Benson Highway, 85756, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1 520-574-0961
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Latitude: 32.1271142, Longitude: -110.8760644

kommentar 5

  • en

    C Parker


    Free Pie on Monday with purchase of any Entree till 5/31/18. Taco TUESDAY is 2 pm-9pm....only $ 2.00 ea. Beef or Chicken, and your choice Soft or Hard shell. Wednesday is all you can eat Spagetti Marinara...2 pm-9pm. Its all timely and tasty. Coffee is $ 1.00 from 6 amm till 8 am...cup or jug, only a buck!

  • Michael Fielder

    Michael Fielder


    This is a wonderful restaurant in the old coffee shop fashion. The food portions are huge and quite tasty so go there with an appetite! It also has a really neat gift shop that has lots of native American jewelry and books. There are also trucker supplies there in another side of the building.

  • en

    Drake MacFarland


    On the way home to Tucson we decided to visit Omar's Hiway Chef. It is a rare pleasure to give 5 deserved stars. We ordered the Omar's Favorite from the Southwest Breakfast section of the menu. The eggs were delightful, the hash browns were just perfect as were the cheese enchiladas. Topped with the gold standard in shredded beef. An absolutely delightful meal. We indulged with a Deep Dish Apple Pie that did not disappoint. The restaurant itself is a diner style spotlessly clean facility with a serving staff that was a real pleasure to spend time with. Congratulations of a job extremely well done and thank you for the gracious hospitality.

  • Deaf Ranger

    Deaf Ranger


    We eat there very often. They always give you massive amounts of food and in general it is very delicious. My only complaint was there alfredo sauce just didn't cut the mustard. And I really enjoyed just about everything else that I've ever tried. Nothing comes to mind in a negative way other than what's been expressed already. Go there! You will be happy. And try ordering Strawberry Shortcake one order per person and you will be delighted!

  • Mellissa Palmer-Beard

    Mellissa Palmer-Beard


    Great LOCAL comfort food. The food is delicious the sweet tea is amazingly perfect. Service is always great! The gift shop is adorable and the prices are fair. Very disappointed about the truck stop across the street being there.

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