El Amigo i Tucson

Forenede StaterEl Amigo



🕗 åbningstider

6848-6998, South Burcham Avenue, 85756, Tucson, Pima County, US United States
kontakter telefon: +1
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Latitude: 32.1268356, Longitude: -110.8740989

kommentar 5

  • Katherine Johnson

    Katherine Johnson


    Love how the hours lie they are not open on Sunday

  • en

    Michael Long


    Awesome Tacos!! Had 4 of the Carne Asada Tacos for $7.00 What a bargain. Forget the fast food across the street.... visit this Gem!!!!

  • Gustafsson Eric

    Gustafsson Eric


    The torta al pastor is pretty good. I took it to go and it didn't get mushy after the car ride home. And the only reason I didn't add 5 🌟's is that I think it should be $5 per torta. They do have 4 tacos for $7 which might be my next trip tonight 🤣! The service was awesome and they did make the food fast and it's good! I recommend this taco stand for the hungry traveler or drunk college student!

  • Erik



    Where are you? So hungry love the food

  • Kelcey Nickson

    Kelcey Nickson


    Amazing quesadillas!!! Don't hesitate, get the BIG one!

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