Old Takoma Ace Hardware w Takoma Park

Stany ZjednoczoneOld Takoma Ace Hardware



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7001, Carroll Avenue, 20912, Takoma Park, Montgomery County, US Estados Unidos
kontakt telefon: +1 240-839-5170
strona internetowej: www.acehardwaredc.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 38.9746632, Longitude: -77.011844

komentarze 5

  • Madhav Sinha

    Madhav Sinha


    Most household hardware needs in one place - browse & select. Staff to help you locate items if you're in a hurry. Plumbing, sanitation, electricals, paints, nuts & bolts, tools & containers, decorative items & curios,.... Good place for do-it-yourself enthusiasts.

  • Christine Kahler

    Christine Kahler


    Great store, everyone is always helpful and friendly. Today they helped carry my stuff to the car because I had a very rambunctious toddler in my arms

  • Abigail Doyle

    Abigail Doyle


    Such a friendly, helpful staff at this store! As other reviewers have stated, the staff genuinely wants to know if they can help you find anything; they frequently perform unobtrusive check-ins throughout the store to see if you need assistance, so a helpful staff member never seems to be far away. Huge selection of products - love coming to this store. Convenient location by bus/metro, and free parking in the back, plus additional metered parking all around the surrounding area.

  • en

    Annie Lee


    Nice people friendly they didn't have what I needed but they were willing to order it very helpful it's a neat store small and very personable

  • Tammi Robinson

    Tammi Robinson


    Literally, my favorite store in Takoma Park/Takoma neighborhood. I have ALWAYS had positive interactions with staff, who are eternally helpful, but not in that obnoxious way that some retail store employees can be...they genuinely want to help you find what you need and aren't overbearing about it. They also don't get an attitude if you cordially decline their help. I didnt have quite the same level of experience at the not too far away ACE in Silver Spring, which is further proof that the team at this location is just special (although the ACE Hardware family of stores typically out performs your average in store experience these days...so it's not like the SS team was awful). Basically...I LOVE coming to this store. And always know that I'll leave happy!

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