Oak w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneOak



🕗 godziny otwarcia

3019, Beacon Avenue South, 98144, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-535-7070
strona internetowej: www.facebook.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.576394, Longitude: -122.310015

komentarze 5

  • en



    Service was good. Atmospheric was fun. Food fell flat Macaroni and cheese felt like they ran out of cheese. If you like noodles with a hint of cheese, this should be your jam.

  • en

    Rodney Long


    The staff are friendly and attentive, good selection of booze all reasonably priced and the food is pretty good! Atmosphere is lively but also relaxed and quiet enough to have great conversations. Busiest times seem to be weekdays early evenings.

  • Jody Lewis

    Jody Lewis


    Best Vegan burger in Seattle hands down. We've been to Flora like a thousand times and theirs is great, but Oak takes the cake. All-in-all, the food was great including the handcut fries, chickpeas and organic salad. Excellent drink selections, several vegan and vegetarian choices. Pretty crowded, noted a couple young families with children, lots of 21-40 age clientele. LIvely crowd AND LOUD. Highly Recommended! Have patience and enjoy.

  • Mike Monteleone

    Mike Monteleone


    Good food, excellent drink selections, several vegan and vegetarian choices. Odd requirement of ordering drinks and food from the bar after making your menu choices. Early Friday evening, pretty crowded, noted a couple young families with children, lots of 21-40 age clientele, we were the old farts in the mix which makes for a fun, lively crowd. Recommended.

  • en

    Heather Caldwell


    Yummy food and tasty drinks. Unique utilitarian and varied menu with may vegetarian and vegan options as well as satisfying meaty meals. Too many kids during happy hour, but I left my kids happily at home, (wish others had done so too).

najbliższy Bar

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