Baja Bistro w Seattle

Stany ZjednoczoneBaja Bistro



🕗 godziny otwarcia

2414, Beacon Avenue South, 98144, Seattle, King County, US United States
kontakt telefon: +1 206-323-0953
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 47.5816304, Longitude: -122.3141225

komentarze 5

  • en

    Sherri Hurst


    Steak tacos had so much flavor.

  • Michael U

    Michael U


    This place is great. I arrived about 9:30 pm, and the waiter informed me when he first came to my table with chips and salsa, that there was only a half hour of service for the day, but he was glad I stopped in and would be happy to serve me the remaining time they were open. I promptly ordered a margarita which he returned with shortly and I placed my order for the Steak Ranchero. The meal came out in less than 10 minutes and he offered another margarita to which I agreed. The steak Ranchero was very good. The meat tender and flavorful, spicy with a bit of a kick, but not hot to the point where that's the only sensation brought forth. The rice was fluffy and the beans firm and tasty. The atmosphere is very casual and relaxed. I will definitely be coming back. This is a great place for good food quickly, served in pleasant surroundings by likable staff.

  • Yaier Ron-Rubinstein

    Yaier Ron-Rubinstein


    Just OK Came for Wed night dinner with the drag. Small space. Family style and friendly Speakers where way too loud for the small space. Food was just OK. Nothing outstanding. Before leaving I walked to the bar. Less than 20 people and no room to move around nor making conversation. I probably was expecting for too much.

  • Jennifer Durham

    Jennifer Durham


    It's probably a good thing I don't live near here. I would be here every day! Sooooo good!

  • Michael Tomkins

    Michael Tomkins


    Wonderful service. Great value. Always fun. A good place to hang out on a weekend.

najbliższy Bar

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