Nourishing Nails i Pawling

Forenede StaterNourishing Nails



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31, New York 22, 12564, Pawling, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-319-6122
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.5265546, Longitude: -73.5881645

kommentar 5

  • Kristen Connolly

    Kristen Connolly


    I travel an hour to go to this salon because I love it so much! The ladies are fabulous. Very friendly and attentive. I cant find one negative thing to say about this place.

  • en

    Linda Batto


    Been going there since they opened, love this place, good prices nice service!

  • Lillian Cruz-Urbina

    Lillian Cruz-Urbina


    The ladies do a great job. It was my second time going. The reason why I didn't give a 5 star was because as I was leaving. She came out to ask me if I was going to tip them. I actually was but because I don't carry cash, I went to take out money next door. But I think that was rude.

  • Emily



    The woman who was clipping my nails looked away when she was doing it and clipped my skin instead. I was bleeding; not just a tiny knick there was drops of blood and I bled for a while. She didn't say sorry she just said "ohhh" and I wasn't offered a discount as a courtesey. Mistakes happen but come on?

  • Kate McHugh

    Kate McHugh


    Love this place! The ladies are all top notch. Although only one lady trained in acrylic nail extensions .. her skill is well worth the wait! No one around can do as good of a job. And their gel polish and application holds better than any else around. Mani/pedi and massage services are excellent. Highly recommend!

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