Magic Mirror Salon i Pawling

Forenede StaterMagic Mirror Salon



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145, New York 22, 12564, Pawling, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-493-0542
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.535905, Longitude: -73.58588

kommentar 5

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    Lisa Bosworth


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    Kelly Marmo


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    Cassandra Calabrese


    Been there a few times love my hair cut every time!!! Definitely recommend.

  • Jacqueline Muller, LCSW-R

    Jacqueline Muller, LCSW-R


    Love going to the Magic Mirror and getting pampered. Have had several cuts and highlights and always leave happy and feeling on top of my game. Thank you to the talented stylists. Looking forward to coming in again really soon!

  • en

    Daphne Olson


    I had a color and cut last week. I asked for a cut similar to one of the stylists who works at Magic Mirror. She's about 35+ years younger than me, so I realized that that was a tall order. But . . . it was exactly what I wanted. And the vibrant red color that I asked for was beautiful. I get so many compliments. And the cut allows me to style it easily myself and have it look just as good as if I'd gone to a hair salon. These gals (all 5 of them) are the best I've come across in a long time. Such a great team. Keep up the good work.

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