Noelle i Stamford

Forenede StaterNoelle



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1100, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-322-3445
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Latitude: 41.1092811, Longitude: -73.5477757

kommentar 5

  • TJ Allard

    TJ Allard


    Jason know his stuff, he's one of the best. Staff is professional and accommodating. Modern and relaxing atmosphere too. I also don't feel like the staff is working for tips, they have all been very genuine and friendly.

  • en

    Yvette Collins


    Have been patronizing this salon/spa for over 28 years. Awesome service and exquisitely seasoned stylists/colourists/spa facialists, masseurs, as well as awesome nail department. Quiet soothing yet best self pampering in Stamford Connecticut. See Albert Bachleda or Bill Walker for colour/product mastery. Am voted number 1 colorist again year after year!!! Rene, John, Jason, Kassandra, all awesome perfectionistics hairdressers. Flawless establishment founded as first Day Spa ever, the late Noel Di Caprio knew perfection and even perfected that. See Am first and of course Gennaro is yet another incredible hairdresser of incredible skill. What are you waiting for?? BOOK AHEAD AND ASAP!!

  • Jenna Rizzo

    Jenna Rizzo


    I always look forward to my visit to Noelle's. Brian is extremely patient, talented and creative. I have a short hairstyle which he continues to keep edgy and fun to style. Thank you so much!

  • Angie Giannikios Dallas

    Angie Giannikios Dallas


    Use to be a regular patron, Noelles was always 5 star and I compared it among the top of the top. I found it a bit lacking compared to its former vibrant self. The wait area no longer offers the fresh fruit, figs and such, it was once very quiet and Zen now it was full of loud chatter, music minimal if any no sounds of water, not the peace of what once. The masseuse had good hands but waa very loud I think he may have been ill. We had couples message and both found it loud enough to disturb us, if your sick best stay home

  • Angela Hammer

    Angela Hammer


    Brian was fantastic. I've always had long hair and am usually picky and extremely critical; but he was awesome, detail oriented and knew exactly was he was doing. Very talented. Thank you SO much.

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