Supercuts i Stamford

Forenede StaterSupercuts



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968, High Ridge Road, 06905, Stamford, Fairfield County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 203-322-5355
internet side:
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Latitude: 41.104419, Longitude: -73.548794

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Sikoutris

    Andrew Sikoutris


    Great place for haircuts , great prices , staff are very nice , but very careful who is cutting your hair

  • en

    Paul Hinlicky


    Always a great and quick cut here for both me and my two boys. We request cuts with Alba and Fabiola frequently.

  • en

    spencer lee


    If I could rate this place lower that 1 star I would. I asked for 4 inches on the top and 2 on the sides and these bozos gave me a buzzcut. There isn't even 1cm left on top. If you value your hair stay far, far away.

  • en

    Anthony Martini Jr


    Great place to go for a quick haircut for a guy, at the right price. Do be sure and join their email list so you can get $2 off a haircut coupons to your email about once a month! And watch what time you go, it gets busy at lunch and at around 430pm, so it's best to check in online so when you get there they are ready for you to sit down!

  • Nicolas Ray

    Nicolas Ray


    The always do a great job especially considering the price. The staff are always friendly and Professional. Have not had a bad experience yet. Thanks

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