New York School of Music w Walden

Stany ZjednoczoneNew York School of Music



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42, Orchard Street, 12586, Walden, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-778-7594
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.5600733, Longitude: -74.1894439

komentarze 5

  • Bonita Applecrumb

    Bonita Applecrumb


    Love Tim and Rosie! The staff here are a terrific bunch. My son loves taking his bass lessons here, and I see a lot of improvement from when he first started. Definitely worth the investment.

  • en

    Jeanne Tompkins


    I highly recommend this school My son has attended Rock Camps and has taken private instruction. The instructors are excellent and work well with the students at all levels. Most recently, we needed to prepare our son for a college audition. He was applying to a special program that required a jazz guitar audition. As a classic rock musician, he needed some guidance. Donna Hall, the owner of the school, matched our son up with an instructor and got him ready for the audition. His performance was a success and I cannot thank the school enough.

  • en

    Judith Levin


    I highly recommend the New York School of Music in Walden. The school has provided my son a wonderful opportunity to learn and grow as a guitar player. The instructors are excellent.

  • en

    David Kohn


    I have been very happy with the New York School of Music. Their experienced (and patient) instructors and very supportive owner are what makes their programs and lessons so strong. We are very fortunate that the school provides a vehicle for both my son and daughter to expand their musical knowledge beyond what our public school provides. My kids especially like the Rock Camp program over the summer (this summer marks my son's 6th year and my daughter's 3rd year at Rock Camp). Having very supportive Rock Camp mentors and musical campers, allows my kids to shine when they hit the stage as a live act at the end of the program. An experience they would not otherwise get. The school's programs have certainly elevated my children's playing capabilities and in particular their confidence! I recommend the school for lessons, Rock Camp and the other programs they offer like their conservatory. And when my son breaks a drum stick or needs to pick up sax reeds or sheet music, we can get it at their store as well.

  • Paul Hose

    Paul Hose


    The people at New York School of Music are passionate and enthusiastic to say the least! The facilities are magnificent - new, fresh and clean. Donna is a friend of mine and I am always impressed by her commitment to her customers, her staff and the community that she works and lives in. Walden has a champion and it's called New York School of Music! I would recommend anyone with hesitation.

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