Sprint w Newburgh

Stany ZjednoczoneSprint



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1217, New York 300, 12550, Newburgh, Orange County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-567-6378
strona internetowej: www.sprint.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.4999418, Longitude: -74.071514

komentarze 5

  • Sara Lucca-Stotesbury

    Sara Lucca-Stotesbury


    Awesome tech service and the customer service...they definitely stepped it up over the last year

  • Kat Blaustein

    Kat Blaustein


    Super friendly store staff. Knowlegable on what they are advising. A+ Customer service

  • en

    Maria Udeke


    My mom has been with sprint for years and this is our favorite store to go into with any issues we have. The reps there are go above and beyond to help you solve the issue in store. Very knowledgeable about policies.

  • Stacy Walther

    Stacy Walther


    We had an appointment and were taken care of in a timely manner. Smoothest experience getting a new phone.

  • Sheila Donohue

    Sheila Donohue


    I moved up to Middletown, New York in July. My phone broke in April 2017 and I was talked into getting an LG 5 at a Sprint store in Queens, New York. The phone stopped working in December 2017. The off/on button and the volume control stopped working. I went to the two Sprint stores near Middletown and was told they couldn't fix it and would I like to buy the broken phone and buy a new one, even though I was paying insurance. I called Assurian and they told me I would have to go to Newburg NY to have that Sprint Store examine the phone. In the move I misplaced my receipt and when the store in Queens responded they said I would have to come 65 miles down to get the printout of my purchase. Luckily the store in Newburg contacted LG and arranged to send my phone to them for repairs. The young man was very helpful and calmed me down. I was so upset I was never going to buy a phone from Sprint again, but due to his grace under fire I'm not going to hold Sprint responsible. LG couldn't fix the phone so they gave me a new one today. (February 8th 2018.) Thanks Sprint for your competent employees at your Newburg Store.

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