New Tech Auto Repairs i Valley Stream

Forenede StaterNew Tech Auto Repairs



🕗 åbningstider

760, West Merrick Road, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-285-4671
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 40.67295, Longitude: -73.724129

kommentar 5

  • Francis Martin

    Francis Martin


    I've been getting my car serviced here for years. This establishement love what they do. The people are fare and friendly. I recommend everyone to come here. I'll be coming here for years to come.

  • en

    Joe Viau


    The owner is a good guy and he's honest.

  • en

    Jawad Mir


    Honest ppl. Very friendly staff. Got my oil change and DMV inspection done from here. Also helped me by going under the car and checking my brakes and liquids etc for no extra charge. I will definitely go back to this place and will recommend this business to others in the neighborhood.

  • Sunny Pasha

    Sunny Pasha


    Honest guys and they always do right by the customer. Prices are more than fair especially since they handle most repairs and services right away.

  • Leighton Brown

    Leighton Brown


    Prices are reasonable and i got the best service these guys know thair job and the Manager is very kool

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