South Shore Honda i Valley Stream

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704, West Merrick Road, 11580, Valley Stream, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-285-8036
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.6720771, Longitude: -73.7225528

kommentar 5

  • en

    Am Tu


    By far the worst service center I have ever encountered. The manager Sam is not only not helpful but flat out rude to paying customers and has lied to me more than once about what was done or not done to my car and instead of apologizing when he realized he was wrong he instead yelled at me and tried feeding me even more lies, and of course this is also how he allows his workers to treat customers as well. The waiting area looks like it hasn't been updated since 1980. Avoid this location at all costs!!

  • Shakima Hill

    Shakima Hill


  • es

    jose luis santillan


    Muy Buena

  • en

    Rory Feigenblatt


    For all your Honda parts and service needs!

  • Fabio Caparelli

    Fabio Caparelli


    I've had the misfortune of going to this "service" center twice now. The first time, after giving them clear direction on what is wrong, I called back (not them, mind you) to see what the status was after 5 hours. I was told it was being looked at now and would expect a phone call later. After another 3 hours, I (not them, again) called to see where the f*** my car was and what the status was. I was told "Oh, I left a message why didn't you come?" When I asked what number he called, they used someone else's number. When I went to pick up my car, only one issue of three was fixed. Fast forward 3 months, my car begins to have two more problems (this car is 6 months old btw). I decide to muster up the courage and book it to have it looked at and fixed. Boy, was I wrong. After dropping off the car at 2, and making it very clear what the issues were I received a phone call in under two hours saying that "he (mechanic) couldn't find anything wrong." When I asked further, I came to the realization that they were in a rush to close the shop at 4:30 and rather than take the time to inspect they just drove it around the block because it was raining and they didn't want to take it on the highway. I was told they changed the wiper blades (completely unrelated to my issues) as if I was a moron and couldn't tell the difference between my issue (bumper rattle and tires pulling to the left) and what a f****** wiper blade does. tl;dr - Do yourself a favor and find somewhere else to go.

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