Needle & Thread en Seattle

Estados UnidosNeedle & Thread



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1406, 12th Avenue, 98122, Seattle, King County, US United States
contactos teléfono: +1 206-325-0133
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Latitude: 47.613227, Longitude: -122.3164021

comentarios 5

  • en

    Joe Scanlan


    Fun place to visit. Dillon is a true character who can make awesome unique cocktails. Dispite the discrete phone. The bank vault door and the myriad of stairs, Needle & Thread is worth the exertion. Absolutely make sure you book. Needle & Thread is tiny. Don't be disappointed..... plan. I didn't try any food besides the almonds toasted in garlic which were really tasty. We did cocktails from twists on a old fashioned to spicy mezcal. Really good fun. Give Needle & Thread a go. It is absolutely worth the trip.

  • Aila Enos

    Aila Enos


    The atmosphere is great and it truly feels like a speakeasy - cozy and perfect for a date! I loved my drink (there is no menu - you simply give them your flavor preferences) and the charcuterie plate was tasty. A bit pricey but the experience and quality definitely justifies it.

  • Dustin Cardenas

    Dustin Cardenas


    I've been here several times, once to the upstairs speakeasy. The food is mostly small plates but it's pretty tasty. The cocktails have all been amazing, and the bartenders specialize in making up drinks if you don't want something specific on the menu. I've had several original cocktails based on my favorite alcohol or flavor profile and they come out unique and great. 10/10 will come back at some point!

  • en

    John Milligan


    This place is a nice cozy place for drinks and a nosh with a special someone. They make bespoke drinks. You tell them what you like and they'll make a drink that meets your requirements. They also have a good variety of food to choose from. The Mac & Cheese with the pork belly is very good.

  • Katt Wade

    Katt Wade


    Be prepared to spend your bucks here as it's $16 a drink plus tax and tips, but also be prepared for a very very cool experience. I'd been itching to go here ever since i read about it, and knowing it was bookings only meant i had to get one. We rang up a few weeks in advance and found you can only book within the same week you want to go, and only Tuesday-Saturday calls between 3 and 5pm PST. So you have to be kind of on it. We got a spot for 9:15 on a Friday night and arrived to be told how to get in (using the phone and entering through a bank door). The bar itself is tucked away upstairs at the Tavern Law where there's only space for maybe 15-20 people in total. We got a little table that had a mirrored window for us to spy on everyone down below. Our barman was wonderful - very charming, asked us a lot of questions and explained how it all goes. In case you don't know, they have no cocktail menu. Everything is totally bespoke and to your requirements. Be clear on what you do and don't like as it helps them refine it for you. We each had 2 drinks and were totally blown away by the craftsmanship of our guy - they were each delicious and so on point to what we'd said. We spent a good hour and a half there and would've stayed longer had it not been expensive enough to begin with. I'm hoping to move to Seattle in the near future and I think this will definitely become somewhere I bring out of towners too as it was a very cool experience. Highly recommend it.

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