Natuzzi Italia w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneNatuzzi Italia



🕗 godziny otwarcia

776, New Jersey 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-445-9100
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9729964, Longitude: -74.0796539

komentarze 5

  • Gene Bukh

    Gene Bukh



  • Ravi Yalamanchili

    Ravi Yalamanchili


    Limited collection, but very good customer service

  • steven beltran

    steven beltran


  • Jay Blanch

    Jay Blanch


  • Arzu S

    Arzu S


    I was furniture shopping with my family for our new house. We stopped by Natuzzi to look at a few items. I liked a sectional which was on floor and asked for the pricing&availability. The guy who was taking care of us went in to his office and took his time forever just to tell me how much that same sectional costs. In the meantime my kids were bored and walking around. A young, short guy with glasses who seems to be the owner or store manager and said your kids are touching the store decor. I said oh, okay and went to staywith my kids and told them not to touch anything. Then the guy came out ofhis officewith the price so I walkedaway feom my kids, and the same guy came back to me again and said something abiut the kids and stay with them. I was super pissed as he had this attitude and was super annoyed. When I go to a store with my two kids, first of everybody else I explain them not to touch anything and they are okay. Guess what happened? I walked out of the store and went to Mitchell Gold which is next door, and purchased a sectional there for about $8000 and not have to wait for 3 months- all made in US. They welcomed my kids with stickers and pretzels and sat down with them to draw so we could actually shop. This is how you make the sale!

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