Signature Leather w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneSignature Leather



🕗 godziny otwarcia

712, Route 17 North, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-612-1001
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9687449, Longitude: -74.0785417

komentarze 2

  • en

    Russell Gorsky


    Upscale leather furniture store with prices to match.

  • en

    Arlene Locola


    I am impressed with the customer Service aspect of Signature Leather regarding a recent delivery of a grey Salerno sofa-bed, 2 red swivel chairs And other items. After an exhaustive search of local furniture stores, Signature Leather had the most stylish Modern furniture for my decor concept! Upon delivery in the time frame promised--The chairs did not fit my expectation re: wrinkles on the chair arms --although the high quality leather, color and style were PERFECT for my new decor! When I expressed my concern to Harvey and submitted pictures , he actually acknowledged the issue Which is commendable!!! He realized that the chairs I had had some extra stitches from the chair I saw on the floor that were manufacturing adjustment by the factory. He asserted that replacing the chairs wouldn't necessarily guarantee wrinkle-free arms-- so he agreed to pick up the chairs for a total refund rather than a store credit which is commendable! However, since my decor included a red accent wall which matched the Red leather chairs -- a REFUND meant finding another chair with that exact red which was unlikely! Harvey understood the dilemma and worked with me to come to a fair compromise. He is a man of integrity who actually listens, Values, and seeks customer satisfaction! I would highly recommend Signature Leather to any potential buyer who prioritizes both High quality and Customer service. Kudos to the owner of this Furniture store for prioritizing Customer satisfaction over profit margin! You have earned your AAA Rating with the BBB! Your longevity is well deserved!

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