Natural Roots Hair Care i Amityville

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491, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-789-6440
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Latitude: 40.6886795, Longitude: -73.4197577

kommentar 5

  • Monique Brewster

    Monique Brewster


    I’ve used Darcel since I started my natural hair journey which is well over 8 years now. Almost a year ago I started my loc journey. She’s very efficient, prices are reasonable, the shop is an update to date modern shop and most of all it’s clean. The environment is very warm and she makes all her clients feel at home. If you are looking for natural hair care, you’ve found the right shop.

  • en

    Nolan Walker


    The staff is friendly and will do magic with your locs.

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    Amanda Alexiss


    12/31/16 I went to this salon for the first time to get my hair washed and flat ironed. I've been natural for two years and wanted to find a natural hair salon and this one came up. I got my hair done by Princess. She is a sweet lady and funny. The people in the shop made me feel comfortable. Princess was very gentle with my hair and she detangled it better than I ever could lol. All in all the experiece was great, I let her take the wheel and trim as much as she felt I needed. My hair came out beautiful and I had no heat damage when I washed it a day or two later. Will be returning.

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    Tricia Gallagher


    So after making an appointment for over a month, Jenelle Simone called the night before to confirm that we would be there on time. Now day of treatment 11/12 @2pm my son sat there for two hours after his appointment time while she put people ahead of him and told him she'll be with him in a minute, this after she looked at his locks and said " I'm not ready for that" . I wish I could give this a zero star rating , extremely unprofessional.

  • Deanna Lucas

    Deanna Lucas


    I recently got a wash, condition, and braid appt with Princess. Def did an excellent job and very gentle on my head. She also recommended a few things for me to do to keep up with my hair. I will be returning again soon and referring all my natural friends here in the future!

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