D' Luna Nail Salon i Amityville

Forenede StaterD' Luna Nail Salon



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191, Broadway, 11701, Amityville, Suffolk County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 631-608-8840
internet side: facebook.com
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Latitude: 40.6777177, Longitude: -73.4172875

kommentar 5

  • en

    Omo Coker


    I went to D' Luna Salon to get a refill on my acrylic and I am completely satisfied with the end product. I’m new to the acrylic world but I know my previous set cost me $60 for a full set! When they finished with me the technician told me her credit card machine was broken and I needed to go to the ATM, I asked her how much and she said $105! 🙆🏾‍♀️ I wished i asked before i started because $105 is absolutely ridiculous for a refill with 3 designs! I paid her because I really don’t see NY jail for me! I asked for a receipt and she said they don’t give receipts in NY! 🤔 Sounds to me like the salon owner has no idea what is going down and ol girl here is trying to pocket the coins from me and all four customers here! 💁🏽‍♀️ I strongly suggest you advice your new clients of your exorbitant prices prior to service so they can make an informed decision and you don’t have a situation!

  • Melinda Steinert

    Melinda Steinert


    Plenty designs n the best is they speak ENGLISH, n dont talk about u in their language! Designs up to date! A bit pricey tho.

  • Jalane Kane

    Jalane Kane


    I am surprised to see a low review to be honest. I have only had good experiences at this salon... I felt like sharing my experience so that other prospective clients had more reviews to go on. I have always been a freak when it comes to my nails and also expect top of the line customer service. I have changed nail salons far too many times to count and will speak up right away if there is something I am not approving of. After finding D'Luna Nail Salon, I am very proud to say that I will not need to look further, unless of course I move far away... again. With respect to prices, there aren't any prices listed on all services but, how hard is it to ask ahead of time, right? That's what I did! As expected, if and when getting your nails done and you are requesting custom designs; jewels, or special polish that all comes at an extra cost - at any salon! I can say that this salon has only used top of the line products on me and their displays prove it as well. If you are coming from a dingy neighborhood spot, in which you are used to paying $30 max - this is not the place for you. Sorry to break it to you but, you are paying $30 for "dental" acrylic to go on your nails... Hence why you've probably already gotten fungus on your nails. All of those products at your local spot are why you have payed so minimal. If you want good products and good service, expect to pay more. You wouldn't go into Steve Madden and expect to pay Payless prices now would you? There is a difference in what you are paying for. So keep that in mind... As far as waiting goes... I have had to wait myself, never anything that I felt the need to write a bad review for. I always go to the nail salon and expect to wait a little. It is called time management and also coordinating your schedule accordingly. Anytime, that I have gotten my nails done there, my nail technician takes her time and never makes me feel like she is rushing. After all, we are paying higher prices right? The price goes with the service... At your local shops, where you pay the $30, you are grilled by your tech to rush, pick your color, your design and so on and so forth, why because you get what you pay for. Low prices = bad customer service. Aside from that, a free pedicure would have made me content! Hah, who doesn't like to be pampered while waiting.... for free! So to summarize it all, I have only had great experiences at this salon - courteous staff, excellent work and a good vibe. If what you are seeking is an overall good experience, I would recommend it. Be sure to call and ask for pricing if that is what you are concerned about - but don't forget to mention if you seek rhinestones or any other special designs...

  • Dayana rod

    Dayana rod


    Bad experience, thought If I made an appointment (since its Memorial Day weekend) I would be seen on time. Nope! Got to my appointment 10mins before and waited but the nail technician who I had an appointment with didn't show and wasn't goin to for another 20 mins from what her assistant told me. I was offered a pedicure but that wasn't what I went for. A complimentary call letting me know about the lateness would of been good but nope, I did get one after I left with more details about my appointment. Details I didn't know before. About how time consuming it was and it wasn't convenient for me, but I'd rather be late to work with my nails done instead I had to look for another place in a town I wasn't familiar with and still late to work. My over all experience with scheduling and costumer service was horrible.

  • Ashley Cole

    Ashley Cole


    The absolute BEST nail salon I've ever been to!! All the ladies who work here are wonderful and professional. The prices are fair for the high quality work they do. AND there is NO other place who will do creative and fun designs like these women! Hands down best service. Please stop by and see for yourself! Follow them on Instagram and Facebook: @dlunasalon

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