Nail Chateau w Hawthorne

Stany ZjednoczoneNail Chateau



🕗 godziny otwarcia

1103, Goffle Road, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-427-2227
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9688079, Longitude: -74.1518699

komentarze 5

  • Nicole Sidari

    Nicole Sidari


    I've been going to Nail Chateau for a few years now and they always do a great job. The staff is very friendly. My color gel manicure always lasts weeks without any chips. They also give a great pedicure with a long massage.

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    Barbara Boe


    I've been going to Nail Chateau for about 10 years and they're fabulous! I get gel manicures and they always do a great job! I had been to other nail salons in the area who made my nails paper thin so I'm very grateful for the expertise at Nail Chateau. The pedicures are great, too and the prices are reasonable. They are very attentive and I always feel relaxed and cared for when I'm there. Catalina, the owner, is very nice!

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    Great Experience every visit. Best prices on Gel Nails which last longer than any other salon. Always friendly and clean. Awesome pedicures and so many color options. Longest massages as well. Always look forward to my appointments.

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    Alex Vignone


    Always a wonderful experience here! Every employee goes above and beyond to make sure I am comfortable and happy with everything. They have great deals, and a clean and relaxing environment! Everyone should come here!

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    Emily Grosso


    I get my tips done here every other week! The owner Catalina is so sweet and really cares about her customers. The prices are fair, and they always do a great job, are clean, and courteous!

najbliższy Salon piękności

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