Euro Tans w Hawthorne

Stany ZjednoczoneEuro Tans



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1103, Goffle Road, 07506, Hawthorne, Passaic County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 973-427-1133
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9688079, Longitude: -74.1518699

komentarze 5

  • en

    Kristina Kontonicolaou


    I've been coming here for my tanning the last few years and love it

  • en



    Nice staff. No wait time.

  • Paul Birch

    Paul Birch


    Friendly staff always helpful. They know me and ask about how diets going, etc.

  • Anton Risteski

    Anton Risteski


    Euro Tans is likely the best option for an indoor tanning in northern Bergen County, particularly the FLOW area, as there's largely no options in Franklin Lakes, Oakland and Wyckoff. There's a small place in Oakland, but I'm not very fond of the egoism that comes from management at that establishment. So, really, the only other option is driving towns over to Hawthorne to get your tan. What's more, EuroTans offers sunless, spray tans, in both a booth option as well as by human hand, as well as waxing; I've never done either but have heard good things. I like their top of the line Ergo Membership, which is so much better compared to other "high end" packages from other tanning businesses, and it's even more affordable than the others I've patroned, i.e. compared to the one in Oakland. Overall, EuroTans & Spa has a nice and friendly staff, though, it's been changing lately, and I look forward to my next visit.

  • en

    Marissa Groenendaal


    Went here for an airbrush tan on groupon and it was awesome! The girl did an amazing job and I was the perfect color and had no streaks at all. Thank you so much! I am going back for my second airbrush tan next week and will update after.

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