Nail Art Clinic i Pearl River

Forenede StaterNail Art Clinic



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34, East Central Avenue, 10965, Pearl River, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-735-2030
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Latitude: 41.059074, Longitude: -74.020083

kommentar 5

  • Adi’s World

    Adi’s World


    Right when I got out of the store my nails were shipping

  • en

    Megan Skelly


    Too expensive, owner is unprofessional

  • Aline de Oliveira Worst

    Aline de Oliveira Worst


    The place is nice, clean and organized but I got very disappointed with the manicure. I asked for a French manicure and it is like she doesn’t know how to do it. My nails are very short and she made such a thick line that is not even beautiful. The nail polish is so thick that just for touch it I left a sign from my finger even after drying. I’m sad that I paid extra 5 to get disappointed. Not sure if I will be back.

  • en

    D. Balidemaj


    I went there for a gel manicure and a pedicure. I must say the gel manicure was really nice and the Spanish lady did a great job. However, the pedicure was a disaster!!! It was a different lady which was doing my pedicure ( also Hispanic) she just finished with the client next to me and she took the equipment from the previous client to use on my feet!!! I was following her with my eyes and I told her that I don't want same equipment since they are not sterile and of course I didn't want to contract anything possible. She was looking at me with a mean face like I was doing something wrong. She went and exchanged the equipment but the sterilization machine was off!!! How horrible. I felt very disappointed with the lack of hygiene in that location and definitely will not be going back!

  • Naomi B Styles

    Naomi B Styles


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