Cloud 9 Skin Wellness Spa i Pearl River

Forenede StaterCloud 9 Skin Wellness Spa



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7, West Central Avenue, 10965, Pearl River, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 845-641-1025
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Latitude: 41.059004, Longitude: -74.0220035

kommentar 5

  • en



    Got my first ever Brazilian wax and an underarm wax from Rachel and was so relieved by the overall comfort of the experience. The salon is clean, cozy, and inviting. Rachel was as warm and non-awkward as a person could be and was very attentive to how I was doing during the wax. An excellent deal for the price (and they have sweet Groupon deals no less). I would definitely go there again.

  • Suja Thannickal

    Suja Thannickal


    I have been to other places both big scale and small and by far Cloud 9 is the best! Service is both professional and friendly and Helene makes you feel like you have known her for years! I would not go any where else...Cloud 9 is the place to go!

  • en

    Mona HC


    I go every month to Skin Care Cloud 9 to do my Brazilian Wax and i love it. Helene the owner is so sweet, friendly and makes you always feel so comfortable. You can make an appointment at anytime.I love and recommend this place is always clean, smells so good and is open Saturdays too. Helen is always available even after 7pm. I love it!!!

  • Penina R

    Penina R


    Great quality service and by far one of the best waxing I've had! Been 2 years steady now and I would recommend Helene to both new to waxing and vets.

  • Jennifer Miller

    Jennifer Miller


    Cloud 9 Day Spa is the only place I will go to for a Brazilian wax. Helene is amazing and always makes you feel comfortable. I highly recommend Cloud 9!

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