Mystique Automotive en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosMystique Automotive



🕗 horarios

257, Titusville Road, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-204-9950
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6584208, Longitude: -73.8556631

comentarios 5

  • en

    Frank Santariga


    I am a avid car enthusiast and am in the process of finishing up my car for shows. I brought my car to mystique auto and the quality and workmanship was well beyond expectations. I only needed a few minor imperfections fixed. They took it in right away and fixed it to perfection at a great price.. a few shops turned me away because the job (wasn't worth their time) is how they made me feel by giving me a estimate so high I wouldn't even consider fixing it. They proved to me there's no job too small or too big and I would refer them to anyone who needs their car fixed from a accident or just as a small dent in the car that bothers them.

  • alex kyte

    alex kyte


    Very honest and helpful staff.

  • en

    Robert Antenucci


    Very knowledgeable staff

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    Juliann Coleman


    my boyfriends shop excellent service great prices

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    Benjamin Rosario


    Great place mechanical and body works 0

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