Consumer Transmissions en Poughkeepsie

Estados UnidosConsumer Transmissions



🕗 horarios

20, Industry Street, 12603, Poughkeepsie, Dutchess County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 845-473-8920
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 41.6812069, Longitude: -73.849545

comentarios 4

  • Dominick Cassano

    Dominick Cassano


    Great place. Art was the guy who worked on my car and he was very honest and thorough. I highly recommend this place.

  • Herb Stoller

    Herb Stoller


    Diagnosed and fixed transmission mount problem with no up selling.

  • en

    Chris Suessle


    The best transmission shop around. Absolutely the best workmanship of any place I have brought my car. The owner makes good on any problem that you have without question. The work has always been completed in a timely manner. And he does full automotive repair including alignments, he does not advertise that he does other work because he doesn't want to step on the toes of other local repair shops but if you already have your car there and you need some other work done his capable staff will be more than happy to do it for you.

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    rock de resh


    I had a 2001 ranger transmission rebuilt by Art and his gang, just a couple months ago. My opinion, he takes care of all his customers. He saved me some money, for sure, He says exactly what he will do and i trusted him. He said what i wanted to hear, what the problem was, how long it would take and the "cost" which was the "best price" any where in my area! I am not a relative, nor was i a friend, till i brought my truck to his shop. He gives no "BS" i was happy with his work and you will be to.

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