Mount Sinai Queens en New York

Estados UnidosMount Sinai Queens



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25-10, 30th Avenue, 11102, Queens County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 718-932-1000
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.7680983, Longitude: -73.9248696

comentarios 5

  • Carl Stovner

    Carl Stovner


    Wife cut her finger and needed stitches. Front desk and docs were great! Then we had to wait 30 mins just to get the antibiotics. A doc told us that admin doesn’t staff enough nurses because they don’t want to pay for it even though they could.

  • en

    Riem Sorg


    Good hospital. We went to New York center for rehabilitation from the hospital. We are so impressed our drs from MS Astoria followed us at the rehab. Was really smooth transposition. Thank you

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    Eylem G


    I don’t understand why people are making bad comments about this hospital.Everbody was very attentive ,kind and helpful. I’m grateful for their thoroughness. Nurse Timothy and Dr. McDonald were awesome. Thank you for your great work!

  • Catherine Velez

    Catherine Velez


    Been waiting for over 17 hours in the emergency room to get transferred to mount Sinai in Manhattan. Nurses are NOT attentive, lack empathy, and are not helpful. Last time I saw a doctor was 13 hours ago. They cannot answer my questions all I get are a bunch of I don't knows. Horrible experience. This hospital is only good for basic things like needing stitches and doesn't have REAL doctors that can help you. Horrible experience. Only 2 people that are helpful is Sid an er nurse and Joe a PA. Other than that everyone else was rude, ignores you etc. I could've sworn having chest pains was super important and needed to be dealt with quickly... not ignored.

  • en

    Tara Kasmatis


    Good hospital. Small building. Very individualized attention. Nice care package in room when admitted. The social work team is very caring and thourogh. We transferred from the hospital to New York Center rehab and were very pleased with the process!!!! Great for a local hospital. Same doctors at hospital and at the rehab center on 21st street.

El hospital más cercano

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