Monaco Cleaners w New York

Stany ZjednoczoneMonaco Cleaners



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2580, Nostrand Avenue, 11210, Kings County, New York, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 718-338-2586
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.621536, Longitude: -73.946237

komentarze 5

  • mike wize

    mike wize


    Overpriced and the quality is average at best.

  • en

    Daniel L


    They do a really good job. The downside is that it's very expensive and has terrible customer service.

  • en

    Aryeh Greenwald


    Iv never had a good experience here. Obnoxious. Overpriced. Does not stand behind their work.

  • Rebecca Appel

    Rebecca Appel


    I didn't want to write a review for this dry cleaners because I see most people have already covered the crappiness of this environment. But if even one person reads mine and doesn't support them, I might have made a difference. I have a regular amazing dry cleaners (Who happens to be a few doors down and AMAZING) but I needed something on a rush and they were closed so I went to Monaco figuring it seems like a nice place, I'll give it a try. From start to end it was all down hill. As I was waiting for someone to come help me, I overhear the person currently being served, telling them that they gave him someone elses dry cleaners *facepalm*. I think OK a one off mistake could happen. I'm next in line, and with the rudest attitude the lady behind the counter screams at me NEXT! WHAT YOU WANT! I was floored but again, still in a rush to get my dry cleaning going. I tell her what I need done, she proceeds to bang her fingers on the keyboard of the computer entering my information. I leave. I come back when my item was ready to be picked up. I waited a while until someone came to take my ticket. I brought the item home and was absolutely horrified at the results. I definitely do NOT recommend them.

  • en

    Aleksey Zaurov


    Long term customer here, until one day they ruined a 200 dollar shirt. The shirt was one of the 20 items brought in for laundry and dry cleaning and was inspected by the owner herself when brought for service. The day I came to pick all the items up, the shirt had discoloration and obvious damage done either through incorrect handling or heat treatment. Went back to discuss with the owner the next day, she claimed that the shirt was already brought in damaged (though previously inspecting it) and didn't offer any type of refund. Stay away from this place if you value your clothes!!Because one day they will ruin something you really like and will blame it on you, while not providing any reconciliation or neglecting a long term customer.

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