MM Tires w Spring Valley

Stany ZjednoczoneMM Tires



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674, North Main Street, 10977, Spring Valley, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-625-2050
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.136465, Longitude: -74.036258

komentarze 5

  • en

    David Ortner


    Great service was in 'n out in NO time! Great group of guys.

  • Yitzy Pollak

    Yitzy Pollak


    I used them a few times already they have the most amazing service and greatly priced convenient location and I even used there Road Service few times already and I loved it (I've used them again and they have the best service in town)

  • en

    Yidel Weiss


    I'm pleased that I was referred to these great people here. As much as I wanted to give a hand to the hard working people in this hot day under the sun, they refused and had me wait in the cool room and come out to not only a fixed tire, but to find my spare tire placed back. So neat and so nice. Yidel

  • en

    Avrahom P


    Best place in town to fix flat tires. They are amazing as they have mobile trucks and will come to you if you are stuck. If you manage to make it to their garage, they service you in a friendly and knowledgeable manner. I reccomend this place for anyone experiencing tire troubles. Cool side note, be sure to check out their collection of nails and other random stuff they pull out of people's tires.

  • Moshe Yehuda

    Moshe Yehuda


    As I don't have the typical tire it need to get ordered. He managed to get it earlier then every other tire shop In the area Great service! He was ready at my driveway 8am Sunday in the morning Then got 3 of my rims fixed in just 24 hours!!

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