Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams w Paramus

Stany ZjednoczoneMitchell Gold + Bob Williams



🕗 godziny otwarcia

776, New Jersey 17, 07652, Paramus, Bergen County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 201-639-0370
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.9730841, Longitude: -74.0802196

komentarze 5

  • en

    e j paz


  • en

    Joanne Frizalolne


  • Raul Pared

    Raul Pared


    Let me start by saying I have not purchase Furniture here I have been to the store plenty of times attempting to. I cannot find anything that meets my criteria the problem I have is a Furniture tends to be eclectic and there's nothing wrong with that but I can't find a set of anything. And their prices very very high for what you get if it had a reputation to fall back on to justify those prices I could understand but it's not a room and board or even a Crate & Barrel so I don't understand why they feel they can charge that much for they're furniture just my opinion

  • en

    Dominick @tryncontainurself


    Love this store. Great style for reasonable price. My client had s situation with his sectional. His nephew didn't like the fabric. They exchanged it, no questions asked. Dawn, the design associate was a pleasure to work with! Susan, the manager, met with my client and ensured that his service needs were met!

  • en

    Shilpa Vaswani Kamat


    I wish there was a way to give this store lesser than 0 for a star rating. We recently bought our first house and because I liked the sleek designs of what MGBW offered I sadly decided to visit their Paramus store. I took a complete floor plan with pics and specific measurements of our formal living room which was the first room we wanted to decorate. The designer there recommended a side table and we loved the tribeca coffee table. We ordered these pieces 3 months back. When the side tables were delivered it was clear that they were too huge for our space and because of the poor recommendation from the designer we requested it be returned and to give us full credit. The store has yet to honor that. The coffee table came with a huge crack the first time. The second time the top was completely broken. The third time despite completely assuring me that a Quality control check was done we saw once again that the top was cracked after the delivery truck came. Note that all these times I have been given a 4 hour time period where I Have to be home. Which is so tough when you have 2 kids and an aging parent to take care of. Now for the fourth delivery. I was left a message to call to schedule the delivery. When I call that number they say they can't find anything in the system under my name!!! In the mean time my credit card has been charged the full amount of both the coffee and the side tables which have been returned. Do yourselves a favor and never buy from this store. The sales and customer service both suck!

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