Millennium Toyota i Hempstead

Forenede StaterMillennium Toyota



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257, North Franklin Street, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-279-1706
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.714511, Longitude: -73.630348

kommentar 5

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    Ashley Ferrara


    Peter the salesmanwas great. He was very helpful during the the purchase process and after, I love my Camry. Sam helped me get the best insurance quote we can find. I feel that Sam and Peter had my best interest in mind. However, I was not pleased with Hector at all. He told me that he was going to look out for me with the extra packages, and in the end his “deal” would’ve cost me $7,000.00 more. He made me want to walk away from buying a new car.

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    Kenneth Sokol


    Just picked up my rav4 today. Went into the dealership to casually shop and was greeted by Kevin. My causal shopping trip turned into a lease at an awesome and fair price. Got my car the next day. Kevin and the entire staff and finance department were honest and helpful. Really had 0 issues. I highly recommend. Kevin was super helpful and easy to be in contact with.

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    Kayla Brown


    The customer service was spectacular !! I will be sure to return to Millennium Toyota and refer all my friends. Martin Anderson was so friendly and helpful. He took the time to listen to all my requirements and found a car that would be perfect for me. Be sure to ask for Martin when you drop by. You won’t regret it!! Thanks again Martin for all your help.

  • Erica Diaz

    Erica Diaz


    What a positive experience I had when I recently purchased a 2018 4 Runner at Millennium Toyota. The staff were professional, honest, and considerate. Thank you Marvin Lopez for making it such a pleasant experience! I highly recommend this dealership to all seeking a Toyota vehicle! You will not be disappointed i promise!

  • Edmund Baksh

    Edmund Baksh


    I purchased my first vehicle from Millennium and I’m totally satisfied with the high level of service and customer care. The entire experience is flawless. The sales professional is very knowledgeable and helped me throughout the process. You can walk in the showroom and in a matter of a few hours drive out a new vehicle of your choice. The Millennium Toyota Family is warm and welcoming. No regrets!!

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