Advance Auto Parts i Hempstead

Forenede StaterAdvance Auto Parts



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67, Fulton Avenue, 11550, Hempstead, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 516-505-5150
internet side:
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Latitude: 40.7060772, Longitude: -73.6345766

kommentar 5

  • Jack Boyle

    Jack Boyle


    Anthony was very helpful and went above and beyond my expectations for good customer service!

  • en



    They got good parts at a good price

  • en

    Rock Child


    Very friendly and helpful staff. They greeted me as soon as I entered and asked how they could help me. The associate looked in the back for the part that I wanted, but couldn't find it. I had a great conversation with another worker while I waited. It was a good experience, even tho I didn't get the part I went for. I would shop here again.

  • Keith Butterfield

    Keith Butterfield


    I would advise people who shop at Advance Auto Parts, to take the time to read their return policy before going in. They have a great deal of signage on the way into the store and the expect every customer to notice the sign among the dozen or so other signs in the lobby. If you buy certain things, they are not refundable, even if unused and in their original packaging. Even if you have the original receipt. I just recently experienced this with a purchase. I would recommend shopping at a store that's not out to make a profit on you even if you can't use the items you bought. I certainly understand this now and will never shop there again and suggest you do your research first.

  • FlipFlip 751

    FlipFlip 751


    Good selection. Decent prices and discounts if you purchase online. They have fast and convenient in-store pickup. Staff is friendly and helpful.

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