Midas w Monsey

Stany ZjednoczoneMidas



🕗 godziny otwarcia

412, New York 59, 10952, Monsey, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-356-4348
strona internetowej: www.midas.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.110355, Longitude: -74.0885514

komentarze 5

  • en

    Y Me


    This Matt came in highly recommended by my brother, a long time customer. I tried him, and since, didn't want to go anywhere else.

  • Arnold Kanarek

    Arnold Kanarek


    Friendly and efficient. A great place to bring your car for service.

  • Dominik Suter

    Dominik Suter


    I was there with my MB E350 about a month ago for a simple front rotors/ brakes job. Not only they have doubled the estimate price after explaining my car is an Exotic??!!.... The car failed state inspection for front brakes a couple of days later. Apparently they installed them wrong, not using the manufacture's pins and the brakes where falling apart....Drove back there, got it fixed in a few moments - lucky they did not dispose of the original manufacture larger pins....never stopping by there again. If you drive a Benz, BMW, Audi etc...stay away, it is an Exotic for these guys...not only they will charge you an arm and leg, they most likely not get the job done well enough.

  • Iser Steinmetz

    Iser Steinmetz


    Nat is the best- have been using him for years. honest,reliable and friendly. Best regards

  • en

    Jason Pinecrest


    I needed exhaust work done as my Camry was sounding like a Harley. I got estimates from 5 different mechanics in the area. The others ranged from $300 to $800. These guys did it for $190 and my car sounds brand-new again. Also got my brakes done while I was there and they spent an extra 20 minutes cleaning 10 years of corrosion off the surrounding parts. I've never seen such a complete brake job before. While I waited they gave me tips on making my car last longer, and showed me a couple of classic Corvettes and a drumset they had in back -- and let me play it, when I mentioned I'm a drummer. :) The other mechanics I visited in the area were... let's just say not nice people. I've been to several mechanics and this is by far the cleanest, most honest, and friendliest place I've been to yet in New York. Top-notch and highly, happily recommended.

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