Stany ZjednoczoneA & M AUTOMOTIVE



🕗 godziny otwarcia

172, New York 59, 10952, Monsey, Rockland County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 845-352-1037
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 41.1094114, Longitude: -74.0814807

komentarze 5




    I have been coming to Jay and Yani for almost 15 years and they provide excellent service with honesty and integrity! If you are looking for awesome, yet knowledgeable auto mechanics, visit A & M automotive for worry free repairs! 👍🏽👌🏻👍🏽👍🏻👌🏻🚗🔩🔧🚗🚘

  • Mastercraft Dezigns

    Mastercraft Dezigns


    The best experience I've ever had at a mechanic shop. Jay and Yanni are extremely knowledgeable and honest. They've gone out of their way multiple times to help me out. Very fairly priced as well. These guys know how to run a business by treating their customers well and making long term relationships.

  • en

    Frank Cassese


    The owners, Jay and Yanni are reliable owners, mechanics and most of all, great human beings that offer great and competent service at a reasonable price. I have brought all my cars to A & M for repairs and servicing over the past fifteen years and wouldn't go anywhere else.

  • Rich Garcia

    Rich Garcia


    A&M Automotive is more than my mechanic, they are family. I have sent my brothers, my parents and my children here for any and all repairs. They are the best of the best! None better!

  • mhammad khan

    mhammad khan


    This place is so awesome. This summer i was in New York From Texas ,visiting my Family & Friends.I was driving a car got it from Enterprise car rental.Coming back from River Hudson on the way to my Hotel I saw my check engine light was on .I was not expecting from a brand new car ,anyway I found this A & M Automotive place in my way to Hotel ,so checked in and one of their engineer Mr Yaz checked my car and fixed that problem with in 10 minutes.Oh man... I was so glad that there was no big issue and more important thing is this they charged very reasonable price for that. Thanks A&M Auto Guys ...

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