Michele Lisa Salon i Cortlandt

Forenede StaterMichele Lisa Salon



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2241, Crompond Road, 10567, Cortlandt, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-737-1227
internet side: michelelisasalon.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 41.2926556, Longitude: -73.8678341

kommentar 5

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    K Alb


    Great salon. Timely. Professional. Unique. Awesome group of people.

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    Linda Vergo


    Great haircut! Friendly and clean, and they listen and pay attention to details.

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    Laura Zagarell


    Talented stylists at a reasonable price.

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    Larry Nestell


    Great hair cut. Really friendly and clean establishment with a upscale feel.

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    Tracy Leone


    Michele Lisa Salon is the best from the professional and friendly staff to the quality services they provide. I am ALWAYS 100% satisfied with my services and highly recommend the salon. The only negative (which is only proof of how phenomenal my hairdresser is, so by no means is this a complaint) I have to book her almost 2 months in advance because of my limited availability. In the end.....Michele is 100% worth the wait!!!! I always leave her feeling refreshed and beautiful because of her amazing talent!!!!!!

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