Magic Nails Spa i Cortlandt

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2141, Crompond Road, 10567, Cortlandt, Westchester County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakter telefon: +1 914-788-8262
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Latitude: 41.2918419, Longitude: -73.8766901

kommentar 2

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    Kim Tarchine


    I've getting my nails done here for 8 to 10years...the owner n staff r very friendly to me n others...many of my friends come here too!! never had a bad experience...ive had Manu, pedi, massage, eye brows lip wax!! All great!!

  • en

    Denise Gambino


    DO NOT GO TO MAGIC NAIL SPA IN CORTLANDT. Not only is the owner a money-hungry angry man, but one of his employees actually told me that I didn't give her enough of a tip. She embarrassed me because everyone in the salon heard her and looked over. WHO DOES THAT??? Today was the last straw. As soon as I walked into the salon I asked the owner if he had time for tips an acrylic. He said "no" right away and NEVER EVEN LOOKED UP AT ME. He then told me to come back later. I walked out for the last time (and it was a long time coming). If you want to go someplace really nice where the people actually care about you, go to Beach Nails in the Beach Shopping Center in Peekskill. Same price and super friendly staff. Thank you all for reading this review. I may have done you a huge favor :)

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