Metro Mart w Garden City

Stany ZjednoczoneMetro Mart


brak informacji

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630, Old Country Road, 11530, Garden City, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7380069, Longitude: -73.6135601

komentarze 1

  • en

    Risha Cho


    Today we went to grab a few bottles of soda and some snacks my sister, my cousins, and I. There was a man cleaning the floor and a wet floor sign my younger sister did not see. This Indian man says "get away from here" to her in the nastiest tone. I said to him not to speak to her like that and he continued to be rude saying get away do you not see the sign. I said we are not buying anything here anymore watch your attitude. He said get out. I know this is a place owned by indians because i have spoken to the owners father and had a nice conversation in the past. But if he is the owner he is disgustingly rude. Weather you are the owner or an employee you are supposed to be nice to your customers. I look pretty young for my age but i am not in high school for him to talk to me like I am a child either. I am not discriminating against indians, they are Bangladeshi's neighbors and my parents are Bengali. But this man clearly has no manners. I often used to come here to biy snacks and food when i came to the mall because I was treated well although I have seen staff be rude to other younger customers. Just because you look young does not mean you should be treated differently. Being or looking young does not mean your pockets are nearly empty. Even if your pockets are empty a customer is a customer.

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