7-Eleven w Uniondale

Stany Zjednoczone7-Eleven


brak informacji

🕗 godziny otwarcia

333, Oak Street, 11553, Uniondale, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-538-0637
strona internetowej: www.7-eleven.com
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7221627, Longitude: -73.6073215

komentarze 5

  • en

    Dan S


    While this location is still new the coffee is starting to suffer. it is rare that all the coffee types are fresh and/or full. I am equating it to theres usually only 1 person working the store and its not feasible that they could help customers and maintain coffee at the same time. The owner needs to start putting more people on staff.

  • en

    Edward Colgan


    I go to get coffee....the lids are nowhere to be found. They’re hiding in this cut-out area of a cabinet that is not even near the coffee decanters. I asked the young lady behind the counters where the lids are. She did not even respond to me. She walked from behind the counter, over to this area where the lids are kept, turned her back to me to address someone else that was in the store, and handed me the lid backwards. Then, I went up to the counter to pay for my coffee and a banana. There, 2 young gentleman employees were engaging a neighborhood “regular“ in a nonstop conversation. It was as if my transaction was interrupting their discourse. Very low-energy and unprofessional for an early morning convenience store, where a lot of people want to get in and out really quickly and then just get to work. Also, I was due .73 cents in change. I was only given .70 cents. No “thank you have a nice day”, or nothing. Horrible customer service.

  • en

    Hector Hernandez


    Store is brand new. Great location for the industrial area. 24hrs a big plus. Work nearby have had experience with the night and morning staff. Maybe since the are still traning the service is slow. Line was crowded at one point due to i would have to say the traniee not knowing were things are. Breakfeast sandwiches are not warm they were more and the cool side. Perhaps turn up the heat in the heating compartment. Or put a microwave on the outside for customers to use. Staff is very friendly and professional. 3 stars for now.

  • en

    Ron Hurtado


    The reason I put one star was because the store was supposed to be open last week and now it's been 7 days that the doors are still closed. 11/20/17 Edit: Alright the store finally opened, its nice and big inside i remember when Ernie Burger was there and the place was small. Anyways the 2 clerks in the night shift were very respectful and courteous so 5 star for now.

  • Jim Yu

    Jim Yu


    good service~nice staff!

najbliższy sklep spożywczy

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