Mavis Discount Tire en Massapequa Park

Estados UnidosMavis Discount Tire



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790, Sunrise Highway, 11762, Massapequa Park, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
contactos teléfono: +1 516-882-0100
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 40.6779449, Longitude: -73.4398055

comentarios 5

  • Ron Schmitt

    Ron Schmitt


    Reasonable prices good service and responsible mgrs.

  • en

    Anna Coppola


    I had the worst experience with Mavis Discount Tire. Today I bought my car to Mavis of Wantagh and my car issue was misdiagnosed. I knew I had some sort of brake issue but they told me brakes were fine and issued me a NYS inspection. Spent $512.25 there and wanted an alignment they told me their machine was broken so I went to Mavis of Massapequa to get an alignment and that's where things just got terribly worse for me. The service mgr. Marty was just about the rudest man I have ever met. As soon as I walked in I heard him talking down to his co-workers and being very rude to them. He told me my car was misdiagnosed by Mavis of Wantagh and that I did have a brake issue and didn't seem to care at all that I just spent $512.25 at Mavis of Wantagh all he seemed to care about was that it was not his store that made the mistake. All he cared about was getting me to spend another $500.00 - $600.00 to rectify the problem. Did not offer any real solution and became very rude with me and tried to stop his co-workers from helping me further. He is really horrible at explaining things and has no empathy for the customer and no customer service skills, how this man became manager there is beyond me. As if that was not bad enough he even went as far as to laugh about me with another customer.......THIS MAN WAS SOOOOOOO UNPROFESSIONAL, I couldn't believe this was happening to me. The only bright side to this was a mechanic there named Anthony who went above and beyond for me and really tried to help me and for that I am truly grateful!!!!!!! He displayed real managerial skills today and could have taught Marty a thing or two. Bottom line I don't think I will be using Mavis Discount Tire anymore, not because of the misdiagnose, we are human and all make mistakes but due to how I was treated and laughed at by the Service Mgr. Marty Mavis Discount Tire of Massapequa.

  • Lissette Der Irizarry

    Lissette Der Irizarry


    Every time I have taken my car here they have been nice, timely and very informative. I found them because when Atlantic Chevrolet provided terrible service twice in a row and also overcharged me- I started looking for someone to service the issue. They charged me half the price and gave great service. I am now a Mavis customer.

  • en

    Dana Branche


    CORRUPT! Look at the Yelp reviews! This is the WORST place! I Was told I passed inspection and then Jimmy came out and told me I didn't! This place doesn't make money off inspections, so they try to say you need all these things to pass you! Go somewhere more reputable, you’ll save money on initial inspection cost but its yo bait you!

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    S Ln


    If 0 were only an option; the attitudes of their customer service sucks. Really couldn’t care less about business, extremely short with everyone, and they’d rather cancel/refuse to help and sit on their asses. Make an appointment a week before? Don’t bother; They don’t keep their appointments because “no ones coming into work” so they call last minute to cancel them.

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