Mavis Discount Tire w Franklin Square

Stany ZjednoczoneMavis Discount Tire



🕗 godziny otwarcia

275, Franklin Avenue, 11010, Franklin Square, Nassau County, US Соединенные Штаты Америки
kontakt telefon: +1 516-616-9700
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 40.7008709, Longitude: -73.6809602

komentarze 5

  • en

    Stephanie Waters


    Customer service was great, Ron up front was very polite and helpful

  • en

    M C14


    Terrible service and very rude. Watch out for their scam of telling you things need to be fixed but in reality they don’t. I recommend any place other than here.

  • Lisa Marx

    Lisa Marx


    If you have to deal with buying a new tire...THIS is where to go! Manager, Russ, Ron and Edward were on top of it 💥 FRIENDLY place and comfortable to wait

  • Sydneys Sweets

    Sydneys Sweets


    Generally, good service and I appreciate when they offer the discounts available when multiple services are being purchased. My feedback would be to be 100% honest about wait time, always. No one wants to wait in the waiting room for longer than they have to or expect to. 15-30 minutes extra is understandable but not 2 hours. Otherwise, the workmanship and brand reliability is something I value. That along with multiple locations in Nassau. Maybe if you offered a two hour window estimated start time and called 20 minutes as a heads up for a customer to come in when there is a dedicated serviceman for the vehicle, that would solve the issue? I would love to see this incorporated.

  • en

    Francesco Massarotto


    Best mechanic out there Russ who is the manager is the honest guy out there.he usually gives you a diagnostic in person he warns you of any problems you might experience soon and he always reads the cars computer to make sure no engine problems are occurring. It’s hard to get your car back from him because he’s always bus lol! I definitely recommend this shop to all

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